Saturday, June 2, 2012

WOAH. I still have a BLOG?


Maybe I'll actually start updating this THANG. Because keeping a real journal works so well.
I just opened an etsy shop (katierosecrafts *wink, wink* *shameless plug*) to sell all my nerdy creations. Like shoes.  I just got TWO orders.  Good thing I don't have a REAL job, or this would make things difficult.  I really do put a lot of effort into my shoes, so each pair takes a solid five hours to finish. Right now I've got orders for Goblet of Fire keds AND Prisoner of Azkaban movie poster keds.  It's gonna be fun.
Aaaaaannnnd now I can't think of anything to say. Awesome. Gonna go now. Cool. *backs out slowly* *finger guns*

Friday, January 29, 2010

Looking Like an Idiot.

So...I'm in the marching band at my high school. We don't really have any choice of which activities we have to participate is band. Which means that for part of the year, I look like an idiot in my ridiculous green and gold marching uniform, and for the other part of the year, I look like an idiot dressing up for pep band.

We play at every home basketball game and wrestling match and each night has a specific dress code "theme". For example: Pirate night (had to wear a too-small pirate hat and eyepatch), Retro night (80's hair...*shudders*), and crazy stuff night (pretty self explanatory). HOWEVER, in exactly one week...IT IS FICTIONAL CHARACTER NIGHT!! I cannot wait, because this is the perfect opportunity to wear the Luna Lovegood costume I wore for Halloween and I won't attract weird looks! WOOT!

I planned to make this entry longer, but I must depart for tonight's band of peppiness.

